There is a wide variety of choices when it comes to chicken drinker systems, pressure, freight and fittings decide a lot of these choices. The Chicken drinker nipples are a low pressure device, keep the top of any water vessel only 30cm above the nipple.
- The 4050-00 nipple is best installed into a Lubing pipe which is square, this means a flush finish
- The 4050-00 is a 360 degree access nipple, with newer feather touch with less drippage and more surface area per drop, this means the harder the nipple is 'bitten' the more water flows
- The 4050-00 nipple is suitable for quail and chicks and chooks
- A larger nipple and well engineered nipple means bigger drops are easier to peck off and quicker watering of birds with less drippage and waste.
- Type F fitting which means water is available from verticle (up/down) movement of the nipple or side to side movement.