MELSY 30 Egg Lifter System (Contact us for availability)

Product no.: MELSYM30

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Bellsouth Poultry is the exclusive supplier of the MELSY range of Egg Lifters here in Australia. The MELSY range of Egg Lifters are manufactured in The Netherlands and are available in variations from 6 to 42 eggs. MELSY stands for Manual Egg Lift SYstem, the most reliable and cost effective solution for the semi-automatic transfer of eggs.

This system is available as a 30 (5 x 6) head Egg Lifter complete with Vacuum Pump, Hoses and connectors. Other configurations are available, enquire today for costings.

Developed with the egg industry in mind, the complete MELSY solution consists of:-

  • One or More egg lifting heads complete with suction cups
  • Vacuum pumps 400 and 700 watt, for one or more egg lifting heads
  • Vacuum pumps can be delivered in a stainless steel casing with incorporated On/Off switch (optional)
  • Fittings and flexible air hoses can be ordered separately

Main features:-

  • The manifold is made of shock and UV resistant material
  • The hand grip is made of fibreglass strengthened nylon and is ergonomically designed (can be operated by both right or left-handed operators)
  • The Cups are made of a special compound that warrants a long-life cycle. Cups are flexible and well-shaped to handle eggs in the most gentle way
  • The MELSY unit is light, easy and quick to clean and virtually maintenance free

Easy to use:

  1. The operator places the cups of the Egg Lifting head over the eggs to be transferred 
  2. The operator gently presses the lifting head down and then closes the air flow hole by covering this with their thumb
  3. Eggs can then be moved and placed onto the tray or basket where the eggs have to be deposited
  4. The operator then releases the eggs by opening the air flow hole in the egg lifting handle, by releasing their thumb 

Click here to see the MELSY Egg Lifter being used 

The MELSY egg lifter head consists of various manifolds put together, to the configuration you wish to work with i.e. 6, 10-12, 15-18, 20-24, 30, 36 or 42 eggs. This unique feature provides you with the following advantages:-

  • You can add or remove the manifolds to get the configuration you need
  • You can replace an eventually damaged part of the egg lifter manifold, without having to purchase a complete new egg lifter head

​Benefits and advantages of using the MELSY:-

  1. Higher number of saleable eggs - lower percentage of damaged eggs at transfer
  2. Higher level of hygiene - no direct contact of operators hand with eggs
  3. Lower operating costs - higher number of eggs transferred per hour and per operator
  4. Lower maintenance costs - lower costs of replacement parts

Contact Bellsouth Poultry today for more information, firm pricing and delivery time frames.



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