Health & Medication

Health & Medication

Health products for poultry, chooks, ducks, turkey's, quail, game, pigeons and other birds.

We stock long standing Poultry Health products such as Piparazine and Amprolium, non prescribed medicines and natural Chicken health maintenance including vitamin supplements.  


Coccidiosis control

Coccidiosis control

Coccidiosis is the most common of all brooding problems. A common time of appearance of this disease is at about 8-10 weeks. 



Worming poultry is important, and the right technique is essential. We sell dewormers for poultry and birds.



Caution disinfectants: All disinfectants to be considered poisonous. Handle, use and dispose of carefully.

External Parasites

External Parasites

Products to assist in controlling external parasites such as lice and mites which can be a serious problem



Respiratory disease control See information sheets on summer respiratory disease and the diagnosis of respiratory disease



Vaccine suitable for the treatment of Newcastle Disease (Paramyxovirus). Refer to Data Sheets for dosage details.



Vitamins. Bellsouth offer a range of broad spectrum vitamin mixes,dependent to some degree upon the age of the bird and the type of chicken.

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Breeder Vitamin Mineral Tonic (BELLBREEDER) 200g

Product no.: ALLBELLB

$22.50 *
In stock

Virkon S Disinfectant 50g Sachet **Pack of 2 **

Product no.: ALA203320

$25.00 *
In stock

Solaminovit Vitamin Powder 1kg

Product no.: ALLN00371

$99.00 *
In stock

Solvita Vitamin mix 1 kg

Product no.: ALLN00385

$90.00 *

Levamisole Hydrochloride 500g

Product no.: ALLW00075

$333.00 *

Oxymav B (for Birds) 100g

Product no.: IFSOXYMAVBP01

$22.50 *
In stock

Avitrol Plus Wormer 100 Tablets


$24.00 *
In stock

Levamisole Concentrate 100g Wormer

Product no.: ALLW00071

$75.00 *
In stock

Amprolium 200 100g

Product no.: ALLC00020

$36.00 *
In stock

Poulvac Newcastle Vaccine 500ML 1000 dose

Product no.: SCPVACNEWC1K

$295.40 *

Synthetic Leg Pigment for Exhibition 200g

Product no.: BSLP200

$27.60 *

Pestene Powder 500 grams

Product no.: IFSPESTENE

$23.90 *
Product data sheet
In stock

Solaminovit Vitamin Amino Acid Liquid 200ml ** SALE **

Product no.: ALLN00315

$42.50 *
Normal Price  $49.00
In stock

Piperazine Wormer 100g powder

Product no.: ALLW00109W

$29.00 *
In stock

Nobilis NEWCAVAC Vaccine 500ML 1000 dose

Product no.: SCVACNOBNEWC500ml

$297.00 *

Rota Virus Vaccine 30ml 100 Dose

Product no.: SCVACROTA30ml

$95.80 *

Food Scoop

Product no.: OSPSCOOPC

$8.00 *
In stock

Egg Peck Blocks 2 x 250g

Product no.: ALLFLEPB

$17.00 *
In stock
inc Gst exc delivery