This package of the basic Bellsouth 100 incubator plus the semi turner. Semi Automatic turning means the eggs can be turned more often with just a few seconds. Body made of compressed polysterene (foam). The semi auto turner allows the user to turn all the eggs at once, manually using a push/pull rod.This option is ideal for those who want the convenience of a single action to turn the eggs but without the expense of the motor drive and without opening the lid. The incubator remains closed, reducing the disruption to the eggs caused by opening the incubator too often when the room temperatures are low. Dimensions: 49w x 23h x 66l
When incubating, setting and hatching always ensure the incubation room ( ambient for the machine) is at a reasonable temperature and humidity, all machines operate within a range and outside of that range reults will vary.
Bellsouth Incubator spare parts Just click here
Youtube Videos of Bellsouth 100 and incubation, there are a few of them part one shown below.
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